
Sit back, relax, and let your body breathe

NanoJet Technology provides an all-natural, non-invasive treatment in which a patient simply soaks in a tub of water infused with Ultra-Fine Oxygen Nanobubbles that can increase the oxygen concentration in the body — this gives it the potential to lead to extraordinary health benefits.

Lady floating face up in pool

Combining the most essential elements of life (Oxygen and Water) to enable the body to treat itself.
The benefits of increased oxygen into the body and soft tissue includes:

foot chart displaying muscle
Improve Soft Tissue Injury

Reduce recovery time of sports related injuries to help players get back into the game. When injured tissues receive an adequate oxygen supply, the healing process is facilitated, reducing the duration of inflammation and minimizing the risk of chronic inflammation.

Improve Soft Tissue Injury
male body displaying inflammation at the joints
Decrease Inflammation and Pain

When tissues are deprived of oxygen, it can lead to cellular damage and trigger inflammation. By increasing oxygen levels, you can alleviate hypoxia and prevent its pro-inflammatory effects.
When immune cells have sufficient oxygen, they can efficiently identify and neutralize pathogens or damaged cells, reducing the duration and severity of inflammation caused by infections or injuries.

Decrease Inflammation and Pain
lady sleep on pillow
Improve sleep and energy

Oxygen plays a crucial role in the body's ability to relax and fall asleep. When there is a sufficient oxygen supply, it promotes better blood circulation and helps the body and mind to relax, leading to improved sleep quality. This can result in waking up feeling more refreshed and energized.

Improve sleep and energy
hand displaying a skin condition
Alleviate skin conditions

Beneficial for those dealing with Psoriasis and Eczema. Flushes impurities and toxins, leaving your skin reinvigorated and hydrated.

Alleviate skin conditions

“We’ve had the Bimini NanoJet for over 2 years now and can’t imagine our facilities without it. We just turn it on in the morning and let it run all day. 80-90% of our athletes have switched from using our cold tubs, to now using the Bimini to help their bodies recover. All the athletes using it, say they feel better and have more bounce in their legs. The Bimini NanoJet has been a huge facilitator for injury recovery and performance improvement for our athletes.”

Dean Miller
Associate Athletic Director – Sports Medicine & Performance at Rice University

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ultra-fine Oxygen Nanobubbles?

These are bubbles that are less than 100 nm (0.1 micron) in size. The bubbles do not off gas and stay suspended in water for many days.

How does the Bimini NanoJet generate Ultra-fine Oxygen Nanobbubles?

The NanoJet circulates water from an existing body of water (ex bathtubs and Whirlpools) and introduces 95% + pure oxygen into our patented device that breaks down the oxygen Macro bubbles into Ultra-Fine Oxygen Nanobubbles suspended in water.

What are the benefits of increasing oxygen in the body?

There are hundreds of medical papers on the benefits of how important increasing oxygen for cellular regeneration. Beyond removing Hypoxia, the benefits range from repairing soft tissue injuries and removing inflammation to anti-aging properties of extending telomere lengths.

Can I use in my bathtub or hot tub?

Yes! The NanoJet ECO is made for single tubs and the NanoJet Pro is made for larger bodies of water like 4-5 man hot tubs?

What’s the recommended treatment times?

30-45 minutes for basic recovery and maintenance. 45-60 mins if there is an injury present.

What Temperature is best for treatments?

Our answer is, whichever is most comfortable to sit in the water for 30-45 mins. We have individuals that prefer the water be at room temperature and others that prefer 98 degrees. The oxygen flows through the skin and into the body at temperatures from 78 – 100 degrees. We do not recommend sitting in for 30+ minutes in extremely cold or hot water as this could cause negative side effects like hyperthermia or dehydration.

What’s the benefit of this NanoJet oxygen treatment vs breathing in oxygen through a respirator?

We deliver oxygen through the skin and directly to the smooth muscle tissues. Instead of over pressurizing the lungs to increase oxygen to the extremities, we are able to deliver oxygen to where the body needs it most.

How does this differ from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

Unlike HBOT, which uses a pressurized chamber to increase oxygen in the lungs and tissue, we deliver oxygen into the body as you sit in a comfortable body of water. By simply using the osmotic pressure of water, the oxygen ultra-fine nanobubbles easily flow through the skin into the soft tissue. Our treatment times are 30-50 mins vs 60-90 mins in HBOT.

Over Oxygenation – Too much of anything can be harmful to the body.

A study was performed by the armed forces and published in the National Library of Medicine stating that 100% oxygen can be tolerated for 24-48 hours without any serious tissue damage. By simply using the low pressure of water as our transport medium trans dermally, Bimini NanoJet treatments of water saturated at 28 ppm with 95% Ultra-fine Oxygen Nanobubbles consisting of 1-hour or less are a safe treatment with little to no risk.

What's the Return Policy?

We have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on our products.

Latest blog posts

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(346) 355-7940

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